Sunday, October 21, 2007

You know you've read a good book when

you turn the last page and feel as if you've lost a friend.

I just loved this wallpaper and feel i dont need to add more words for it.


Degeneration methinks…

Fame however unwanted i think if forced uponpeople adjust but then itmight be very difficult to get over.
That is the only reason i can think ofwhy Rowling has done what she did.To again become front page materialnow that the last book mania is calming down.
I have nothing against her revelation about Dumbledore being gay(except a lurking feeling that in the west the concept of friends is really being killed by giving every relationship a name.) .Her revelation is simply is irrelevant to the story and hardly makes a great difference to Dumbledore lovable and wise character.It would have been good fun and enjoyment to all those Potter adult fiction fans to spin tales on it…but why does she need to confirm it….simply to drum up attention on herself.Its really sad how much people get dragged down by fame.
If this every time new revelations goes on she may very well ruin all the othercharacters too, or may be she has changed her thought process to…well before someone else ruins my characters let me ruin them.
Nevertheless some characters outgrow their author and Harry Potter series is a great example and for us simple fans ……it will always be the original books …no matter what Rowling degenerates into.


Wednesday, October 17, 2007


The most impassioned of all trees,
The home of three intensities;
Gnarled trunk, dark concentrated leaf,
And flowers that burn in love and grief.

These are part of those haunting lines by Vikram Seth and
i really dig them too much and they kind of get imprinted on the mind.

This was a small draft i saved somewhere and i just though i better get over with it.

Last year when i had to walk 10 mins home everyday across some lovely houses with gardens- there used to be these trees with the sweetest orange flowers....and most of us know its the Anarkali.(Sad if we can only remember Salim now).

I have been so off mood that i looked back on my own blog
and then thought ....
why once upon a time i was so better at cribbing ....
now its such a boring rant....
Almost all in life seems so hopeless....
dont know whats the fuss is all about ...
its not just me...most people just go on living ....and on.
But then i realise we create our own hypes...
our own passions which keeps us going....
the movies and movie stars/cricket and cricketers /Harry Potter/TV shows/Stock

markets /chat forums/hours of gossip/ambitions and even blogging for some.

But honestly what i still like when i look back and reread are my favorite poems

and my thoughts on reading books.
Actually thats what it seems is missing....its been so long that i read a pure
fiction story apart from Harry Potter.(Well i better not start on it again...).
I need that escape books else this is how i become .

Bad memory has its pleasures.
I was looking up some old selected quotes and found this quote

"People who are not in love fail to understand how an intelligent man can suffer because of a very ordinary woman. This is like being surprised that anyone should be stricken with cholera because of a creature so insignificant as the comma bacillus."
Marcel Proust, Remembrance of Things Past, vol. 2, "Swann's Way: Swann in Love"

Some people have an awesome way with words....Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
Comma bacillus ...ROFL...........

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Friday, October 12, 2007

A bit of nostalgia

Nostalgia is a file that removes the rough edges from the good old days.
  ~Doug Larson

Last fortnight i can recall two things which made me very nostalgic.
One was a movie which was a glossed out fairytale of a college life i have never seen anyone living (forget being part of it myself ).
Its not that i don't enjoy romanticized stuff in movies but when i see too many people talking of that in real terms of those good old days i feel absurd.
Very few people(and yeah a few have it partly do i agree) have had the real fun and hep college life displayed in most movies but everyone talks as if they did cause we like to think the past was better.....we forget that the troubles we faced then , and which we laugh at now actually felt monstrous in those days.

The world is full of people whose notion of a satisfactory future is, in fact, a return to the idealized past.  ~Robertson Davies, A Voice from the Attic

Yes its so very easy to idealize and gloss over past and if i let myself get carried away by such versions  in my imagination i can see how easy it is.
Luckily my cynicism keeps me safe from such these days.

Other very unexpected nostalgia was a chat (it might have been a one sided recollection by me actually once the topic was triggered ...the topic of days when i was a huge cricket fan...
not that i am not now ,
but its not the same...
no one but i know the difference.)

about some very old ,simple but immensely passionate joys.....
joys i rarely speak of in the present,
 for i fear they might be soiled by the present....
It isn't those events it is what we were then to
 derive such happiness  from such .
